KillaVerse At Risk Of Another Attack According To Leaked Official Documents

Our newsroom has just received a copy of a leaked official internal memo dated today - which warns that another, more powerful attack may soon be coming to the KillaVerse.

The memo was provided to us by an anonymous source, but is believed to be authentic. In it, official press secretary Maria Mackerel warns that threat monitoring systems have detected a high probability of another attack - even stronger than the recent one - potentially hitting the KillaVerse at any time.

The previous attack was overcome thanks to a new technology called Killabits, created by renowned scientist Dr Fogerty Fomo. But since then, Dr Fomo has disappeared.

The leaked memo describes how technology firm KillaLabs Research is attempting to reverse engineer Dr Fomo's Killabits technology, in order to build an upgrade that will help defend against this new threat.

The memo also states that officials have tried to reach out to Dr Fomo about building the upgrade, but have been unsuccesful in reaching him thus far. In their last known contact with him, the doctor alluded to an upgrade that would give the Killabits technology "more firepower".

What's most troubling is that it appears officials are attempting to keep this info from the general population much like they did last time, which almost resulted in dire consequences for our society.

Officials declined to comment on this leaked document. As of now, we are advising all citizens to stay alert and vigilant. We will update this story as more information is discovered.